Thursday, November 1, 2012

"Twick or Tweat!"

Even though we've been sick most of this fall, we still managed to squeeze a little fun out of it by participating in and attending a few fun events! Here's a little photo diary of our fun times this past week!

We started our fall fun at Gentry Farm in Franklin, TN! 
This was the most decent picture that we could get with these two squirmy girls. Thank you Andrea Vaughn for sending this to me! The girls just wouldn't stay still. I don't blame them! There were way to many fun things to do like...

Swing on tire swings, go through corn mazes, play with old wooden toys, go on hayrides and...

meet new friends!

Even Caroline was able to socialize with new pals!

 I think SG might have also met her first boyfriend. 
Her daddy was NOT happy with this little photo.

The day before Halloween SG let her artistic juices flow while painting pumpkins. Her "pint, purple, and silva" pumpkin was very "boo"-tiful!

 Soon enough, Halloween came around and the girls got all dolled up in their costumes!

 Caroline, excuse me- Rapunzel, didn't seem very excited about the cold weather.

 But, Cinderelli was so excited to go to the ball...I mean "twick or treating."

 Can't you tell just a little???

We hope you have had just as fabulous of a fall as we've had! 

Best wishes,
Snow White, Prince Charming (sometimes-bahaha), Cinderelli, and Rapunzel (before hair)