91. a relaxing and MUCH NEEDED pedicure
92. Meme keeping SG while I got some errands and sewing done
93. getting one full set of curtains done
94. Trey hanging up my curtains :)
Progress on curtains for SG's big girl room...
Also, were thinking of going with the neutral paint color on the left for her room :)
95. a productive day of sewing with Jennifer
96. Good conversation with Jennifer
97. the sound of Shelby and SG laughing as they played together
98. SG's sweet demeanor while Daddy was away tonight
99. quality time with my little girl
Here are a couple of elements of SG's unfinished room:
Convertible Crib- This crib converts to a toddler and full sized bed
These are the linens I'm using to make her big girl blanket and pillow out of :)
The dresser I found at an antique shop for just the right price $ :)
100. a fun time at the pool with Amy, Livi, and Anna Kayt
101. saving $$ at the store with my coupons (Publix- spent $11.60/ saved $13.96, Winn Dixie spent $44/ saved $28)
102. Trey's safe travel back from Nashville
103. a productive morning gathering items needed for Rachel's lingerie shower
104. Susannah Grace's kisses and the sound she makes when she gives them
105. SG's long nap :)
106. finally finding the right paint color for SG's room
Pics of Rachel's lingerie shower:
107.11 years of dating my husband- I'm so thankful for him
108. a productive afternoon putting together flower arrangements and crafts needed for Rachel's lingerie shower
109. SG's good mood despite the fact that she would not take a nap
110. a $1.00 balloon and the entertainment it brought to SG for hours
111. Trey's willingness to complete his list of things I needed him to help me with around the house to get ready for 112. everything coming together for Ray Ray's shower
113. Meme keeping SG for the night
114. a fun night of fellowship with Rachel, her friends, and family
115. A fun time with fellow Sunday School members at our picnic/swim party
116. Nana's much needed help pinning my curtains
117. Completion of both sets of panels of curtains
118. A nice conversation with Trey and the peace and understanding it brought about our future
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