Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Baby Caroline: One Year and Growing!

Hey there world! I've been on a blogging hiatus for a while. Let's just say we've been busy little bees this holiday season, and I just haven't taken the time to update the blog in a while. So, needless to say, we've got lots of updates coming...starting with this one. Caroline turned one October 4, 2012. I can't believe she is already a one year old! I've included some stats as well as a few pictures from her photo session right after her birthday! Enjoy!

Weight: 30 lbs (99%)
Height: 33 inches (99%)

3 meals of table food a day.
3 cups of milk 

2 naps (totaling 2-3 hours)
10++ hours a night

*She began crawling around 11 months.
*Now, she's a walking machine now! Caroline decided around 14 months to finally take off and walk EVERYWHERE! She is into everything these days!
*This girl can also CLIMB. In fact, she started trying to climb her Meme's steps before she could even WALK! I'm definitely going to be in trouble with this little girl!
*She loves playing "Patty Cake" and will clap and raise her arms while I sing it.
*She will blow kisses by saying, "Muah" and smacking her lips.
*Caroline is at the stage where she LOVES being chased. She'll turn around and just crack up if she thinks you're chasing her.
*She is definitely testing out the waters of obedience. We have a miniature heater upstairs in our bonus room because it gets a little chili up there even with the heat on. She will try to push the buttons while looking at me. It's hilarious. She just wants to see what I will do as I tell her "No, ma'am!"
*She is not a big talker like her sister. However, she can say "Momma, Dadda, Nana, Meme (once), aw  du (all done), and no." Her favorite word is "Momma," though. 
*Caroline is currently working on animals and what sounds they make. She doesn't quite have the exact sounds down. Never the less, it is HILARIOUS to watch her try to make the correct sounds while watching a Baby Einstein, Baby McDonald on youtube. She just makes really loud noises. 
*She can identify the nose on your face but is working to identify the other parts of the body.
*She LOVES being glued to her sister's hip these days. Bless her heart, she just wants to play with Susannah Grace. However, SG doesn't always enjoy her company. Ha!

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