Monday, December 12, 2011

Multitude Monday: 415-445

I am thankful for...

415. Meme keeping SG
416. Having time to do some Christmas shopping with only one child 
417. Caroline snoozing while I shopped around
418. Checking a few more gifts off my list
Sweet Caroline- 2 months old

419.  Meme taking the time to meet me and help me at the dr. office for Caroline’s 2 month check up 
         (Trey was out of town)
420. Caroline’s healthy report at the doctor’s office
421. Tylenol for a sad baby after shots
422. Nana and Pawpaw letting us visit them for dinner
423. Getting the girls to bed by myself


424. getting to hang out with Amy, Livi, and Anna Kayt
425. making a yummy gingerbread house with SG while Caroline napped
426. Caroline sleeping from 9:30 until 6:30 (9 hours)!!!
 Momma's little helper!
I think she did more finger licking than "helping"
427. Trey’s safe return home
428. White chicken chili for dinner- YUM!

It sure was yummy!
429. Getting to go shopping with Meme for Caroline’s Christmas (clothes)
430. SG good behavior as we went from store to store
431. SG taking a nap after our shopping trip
432. Caroline snoozing while we shopped
433. Trey grilling out for his girls
 Daddy had the girls in place so they could see the parade!

434. hanging out with our family
435. getting to spend quality time with Trey while both girls napped
436. getting to take SG to the Moody Christmas Parade- I loved watching her little expressions and 437. seeing her wave and say “Hey” as each portion of the parade passed by.
438. Going out to eat with our family
Watching the parade with Mommy!

439. Caroline sleeping well last night- 10:30-5:30 J (7 hours)
440. getting both girls ready by myself (Trey had to go out of town for work again), and making it to 441. church for the first time since Caroline has been born
442. being blessed by our wonderful church choir’s voices
443. SG’s sweet excitement to see her grandparents and me as we picked her up after church
444. Caroline’s easy going spirit during the Christmas musical at our church
445. Both girls taking a good nap at the SAME time J
 She wasn't sure what to think at first, but she quickly warmed up to the idea when they through candy!
It was a fun experience! 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Here are a few pictures from our Thanksgiving festivities:

We spent Thanksgiving day with Meme and Poppy!

 SG with Meme. Look at that face. She was in an interesting mood that night.
 SG LOVES her Meme and Poppy and is sooo thankful for them!
 I finally caught a little smile!
 She just had to try on Meme's shoes!
 All our girls. Sydney's face really cracks me up in this one!
 It looks like Sydney and Caroline are chatting it up while SG is in her own world!
 Pretty girl!
 This was the only giggle I got from her during our little photo shoot.
 This is the face I saw most of the time. So serious.
 sweet girl

Friday, my parents came over and brought us some yummy barbeque for lunch!

 Caroline with Nana and Pawpaw

 Nana and Pawpaw with both girls!
 SG decided to smile so Caroline decided to frown. Ha!

We also got to hang out with some special friends during the holidays, Livi and Weston!

 Three little monkeys jumping on the bed!

 Now, there's only one little monkey still jumping. Can you tell who it is?

 Serious moment...they all paused for a picture

 Livi had to take an important phone call while she was here :).

 Sweet children

 I think the little expression between Weston and SG is cute!

And they're off...

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends! 
To God be to the Glory for all these wonderful times and blessings!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Multitude Monday: 392-414

392. my dad’s 60th birthday
393. surviving a long day with the girls- Trey had to work late
394. cooking dinner while watching both girls by myself

395. a good report at the eye specialist for the small cataract in C’s eye- it turns out it’s just a beauty 396. mark in her eye. The doctor said it won’t affect her vision at all. Praise the Lord!
397. Trey taking off work to go with me to the eye specialist

398. the aroma of Thanksgiving in our house as I cooked desserts for the next day
399. finding delicious recipes on
400. having time to make Carmel Apple Cheesecake Bars while the girls took a nap

401. having time to make a pumpkin roll for Thanksgiving festivities today
402. Meme taking the time to cook a delicious dinner for us
403. Meme and Poppy bringing dinner over to our house to make everything convenient for our family of four

404. getting to celebrate Thanksgiving with my parents
405. Nana and Pawpaw bringing us lunch
406. shopping for Black Friday deals online- my parents helped us out so we could get a new washer 
        and dryer! I also ordered a few things for SG!

407. getting to spend time with Melisa and Lauren and all our kids at the park!
408. a lazy day at the house
409. getting to take a good nap
410. leftovers- yum!

411. a long weekend to spend time with our family
412. Nana’s and Trey’s help so I could hang out with friends
413. going to dinner with Melisa, Lauren, and Cynthia.
414. the Lord’s providence this month- this is the second month on our new budget and we are doing 
        well. God is so good!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Multitude Monday: 369-391

369. Meme keeping SG during the day
370. Getting to run a few errands with Caroline
371. Nana’s help at night while Daddy was out of town

372. surviving an entire day and night by myself with the girls

373. the Lord providing safety during bad weather
374. Trey’s safe and early arrival home- he surprised me by taking an earlier flight home
375. Nana bringing over dinner and helping out with the girls

376. Trey’s help giving SG breakfast while I fed Caroline- everything always seems better when he’s home
377. SG’s prissy little walk- it is so cute and funny to watch her body move with such sass
378. SG talking to Sissy saying, “Hey baby” while putting a blanket on her
379. Getting to eat Mexican with the fam
380. Trey waking up and talking to me during the night while I fed C
381. C sleeping 6 hours

382. Meme keeping SG today
383. My eye dr.’s patience with me and c at my appt.
384. Having time to plan a grocery list and get my coupons together for the store
385. Spending $90 and saving $46 at Publix! Spending $26 and saving $23 at Winn Dixie!
386. Trey’s help with the girls at the store- It’s a two man job these days
387. C sleeping 7 hours!

388. Trey fixing our family breakfast this morning
389. A husband who prays with me for our family

390. getting to catch up on some of our favorite shows and getting to watch Captain America together
391. having time to play with SG while C napped

Monday, November 14, 2011

Multitude Monday: 351-368

I am thankful for...

351. Meme keeping SG
352. having time to go shopping with just one child
353. spending $94 and saving $72 at Belk on several outfits for Caroline- her season of clothing is completely different from SG so she didn't have hardly any 3m and beyond clothing

354. getting to have the impression of Caroline’s hands and feet doe today with Meme
355. going to the park and to lunch with Meme

356. having a little down time with Trey while the girls were sleeping to watch a few of our favorite shows on the DVR

357. Caroline's content spirit in the sling while SG and I bundled up and played outside- she just slept the whole time because she was so snuggly and warm
358. finding SG sitting in her room quietly reading a book after she had been a little “too quiet” while I was cleaning up a few things around the house

359. going to A Play Place with Amy, Livi, and Anna Kayt
360. listening to SG say her “name” –“Zannah Grace”
361. organizing the items with Trey we were planning on selling in the garage sale- Our neighborhood had a neighborhood-wide garage sale

362. having a last minute yard sale and making a little extra money
363. date night with the hubs- we went to dinner and a movie while Meme watched the girls for a few hours
364. Trey letting me get some make up at the new Mac at Belk on our date- I was completely out

365. getting to take SG to the park while Trey watched CG while she was napping
366. SG’s little hand grabbing mine while leading me around the park
367. SG’s consistent naps this week- Praise the Lord
368. having a chance to take a nap while both girls napped

Thursday, November 10, 2011

One Month

Weight: 10 lbs (75%)
Height: 22 inches (90%)
Head: 14 1/2 inches

Caroline turned one month November 4th! I can't believe this sweet little baby is already a month. Where has the time gone? It's hard to believe I've been sleep deprived this long! Ha! But, hey, she has had two nights where she's slept 6 hours. Woohoooo, what a blessing for a tired momma. It has not become consistent, though. I sure can't wait for that day. SG and C definitely keep us on our toes. SG has been a terrific big sister so far. She has really surprised me, not that I thought she would be a bad big sister. I just thought she would be a little more jealous. She has definitely had her moments, but they have been fewer than I anticipated. SG is super sweet to C. She pat, pat, pats the baby and gives her kisses lots. Sometimes, she just gets a little clingy with me and wants her momma to "hold you, hold you." The first two weeks were pretty easy. C was mostly sleepy and content. However, she is definitely becoming more awake. She has a few long spurts during the day where she just has a hard time getting to sleep. In addition, she is more of a hold me baby than SG was. Although, I do remember that SG had some spurts at this stage where she also wanted to be held all the time and eventually that deminished. I think with the second child you don't mind it as much because you know, based on the first, there will come a day when they don't want to be held as much :(. Needless to say, we are enjoying Caroline's addition to our family. We love her so much already! I've posted a few pictures below! Enjoy!

Eating: 2 1/2-3 hours (mostly every 3 hours)
I mostly breastfeed her but she has had a few bottles of breast milk too.

Napping: She has a really long spurt in the morning where she is awake and has a hard time getting to sleep. After about noon her naps start getting easier and longer.

Sleeping at night:
3-6 hours- She mostly wakes up around the 3-4 hour mark
I have been holding her a little at night because she has been a little congested- a bad habit I need to go ahead and break

She's become more awake.
She has smiled a few times (once at 3 weeks and again at 5 weeks).
We are working on tummy time- she doesn't love it but needs it.

snuggling with mommy and daddy
hanging out in the sling while SG and mommy play
being warm

having her diaper or clothes changed
being cold
noise- This is funny because her sister is ALWAYS LOUD!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Three Lil Pumpkins

Here are a few pictures of the girls in their matching outfits. 
They all got together for their Meme's birthday and had a blast!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Multitude Monday: 320-350

320. Meme watching SG
321. Having time to make SG’s costume over the weekend
322. Fellowship and fun with the Webbs
323. watching SG’s joy as she went from house to house trick or treating

This photo cracks me up!
324. a restful night- Caroline slept 6 hours- Woohoo!
325. Getting to spend time shopping with dear friends at market
326. Nana watching SG today
327. Finding the girls a few outfits at good deals
328. A safe return home

Caroline's waving "Hey"!
329. Meme’s birthday- We love you and are so thankful for EVERYTHING you do for us!
330. SG’s sweet little voice saying “Happy Birthday” (or something to that extent) to her Meme on the phone

331. having a chance to talk to a dear friend and receive some encouragement
332. Meme keeping SG tonight while Trey and I enjoyed some down time
334. getting to catch up watching a few of our favorite shows on DVR
335. a yummy meal provided by the Duckworths
336. getting to go to bed early

just hanging out
337. a healthy report at Caroline’s 1 month check up
338. Trey taking time to go with me to her appointment before he had to go out of town on business
339. SG taking a nap at Meme’s- She has been going through a phase for the past two weeks where her 340. nap has been hit or miss which is not like her
341. Nana coming to spend the night and helping with SG and Caroline

SG's messy face enjoying an M&M

342. Nana’s help helping me take the girls to the store to get some groceries
343. SG taking a nap
344. getting to rest while both girls take a nap
345. Nana’s help getting the girls ready for bed
346. Trey’s safe travel back home

SG's new do- a ponytail

347. having time to do a little shopping as a family
348. SG’s long nap
349. Getting to read the first chapter of One Thousand Gifts
350. a good night’s rest

playing in the "weaves"